Looking for challenges - finding solutions!
HERZOG INTERTEC is your independent provider of engineering services – we support you in the development of components and complete assemblies as well as in the design of reliable production processes.
In 1996 we, my father Ewald Herzog and I, Raphael Herzog, founded our engineering office – it is geographically located between the vibrant Stuttgart and the idyllic Lake Constance on the busy Heuberg – the people here have always been used to looking for challenges and finding solutions .
Over the years we have developed a wide range of customer base from small and medium-sized companies as well as well-known large corporations. The companies are located in the mechanical engineering, medical technology and automotive sectors.
We are looking forward to welcoming you as our customer.
Why should you choose us?
Because with us you can use the central elements of development for yourself.
Let’s start with the success-oriented component development:
Virtual simulation using the Finite Element Method (FEM) is of central importance. In close coordination with you, we achieve holistic solutions on this basis – and accompany you as an innovative provider of engineering services from the first hand-drawn sketch to the functional design and production-ready drawing.
During process development, we always have your goal firmly in mind!
The production of sample parts and prototypes as well as practical component testing are also among our core competencies. Real operating conditions can be comprehensively simulated and evaluated in detail on flexibly adaptable test benches. Properties, service life and the function of the first prototypes can be verified very reliably in order to immediately evaluate the findings and incorporate them into the next steps.
A concrete example of our solid working method is the development of the partial bearing shaft, a lightweight balancer shaft for combustion engines – for the implementation of this challenge we were awarded the Dr. Rudolf Eberle Innovation Prize by the Ministry of Economic Affairs – in addition to the satisfaction of our customers, another visible proof for our work!
HERZOG INTERTEC Your • flexible • innovative • experienced team for the efficient realization of your product development.