12th VDI Conference Technology and Engine Construction 2023
On May 8th and 9th, 2023, the 12th VDI conference on casting technology in engine construction with a trade exhibition took place in Magdeburg.
Most of the participants consisted of suppliers and manufacturers of engine construction and casting technology. From combustion engines to hydrogen technology and electric motors, all drive types and various sectors were represented.
In addition to experts from AVL List GmbH, Nemak Europe GmbH and Deutz AG, our managing director Raphael Herzog together with Ingo Bitzer from the MAT Foundry Group presented innovative studies on topology optimization for maximum weight savings in his lecture
and impulses for future developments.
The lecture met with a very positive response and led to constructive technical discussions.
We would like to thank the organizers for the stimulating exchange of information, the interesting discussions between the participants and the successful conference.